
博彩网址大全学校 数学系 recognizes the need for strong mathematics skills in all students’ lives and strives to provide a comprehensive foundation of knowledge. Every Knox student graduates with an understanding of the role that mathematics plays in his/her life, as well as the ability to use mathematics to solve everyday problems. Course offerings range from middle-school Math 6 through AP Calculus BC. 中学 students who qualify may enroll in beginning 上学校 数学 courses.

代数I (8,9)
The course focuses on four conceptual categories: Number and Quantity, 代数, 功能, 统计学和概率论. 在本课程中, 学生将学习代数的基础知识, 探索不同类型的函数, 创建和解释图表, study 统计数据 and think critically to solve multi-step real-life application problems. 学生需要有一个TI-84 Plus图形计算器. It will be helpful to use as an aid to graphing and for learning the 统计数据 portion of the class. 先决条件: 预科代数或类似课程及格.

The course focuses on four conceptual categories: Number and Quantity, 代数, 功能, 统计学和概率论. 在本课程中, 学生将学习代数的基础知识, 探索不同类型的函数, 创建和解释图表, study 统计数据 and think critically to solve multi-step real-life application problems. 学生需要有一个TI-84 Plus图形计算器. It will be helpful to use as an aid to graphing and for learning the 统计数据 portion of the class. Teacher has the option to both cover concepts more in depth and to move at a faster pace. 先决条件: Earning at least a 90 for both the final grade and for the Pre-代数 final exam.

几何课程包括对平面的深入分析, 固体, and coordinate geometry as they relate to both abstract mathematical concepts as well as real-world problem situations. 主题包括逻辑和证明, 平行线和多边形, 周长和面积分析, 体积和表面积分析, 相似性和一致性, 三角函数, 解析几何. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical thinking skills as they relate to logical reasoning and argument. 先决条件: 代数I及格.

几何课程包括对平面的深入分析, 固体, and coordinate geometry as they relate to both abstract mathematical concepts as well as real-world problem situations. 主题包括逻辑和证明, 平行线和多边形, 周长和面积分析, 体积和表面积分析, 相似性和一致性, 三角函数, 解析几何. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical thinking skills as they relate to logical reasoning and argument. The course is founded on this premise and requires more abstract thinking and reasoning with written and verbal justifications, 与计算相反. 先决条件: Minimum grade of at least a 90 in 代数 I 及部门审批.

This course is designed to serve as preparation for the study of 代数 II, 统计数据, 以及其他数学课程. 主题包括对实数系统的回顾, 虚数和复数的介绍, 一次解, 二次方程和方程组, 多项式, 理性的表达式, 指数和根号, 函数图(线性和非线性)和关系图, 指数函数和基本对数函数. This class also focuses on study skills and extra support for students by teaching some concepts using different learning modalities. 先决条件: 顺利完成代数I.

代数II (9,10,11)
This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. 它培养高级代数技能,如方程组, 先进的多项式, 虚数和复数, 圆锥曲线的类型, 指数函数和对数函数, 算术和几何数列和数列, 包括三角函数的学习. 它还介绍了矩阵及其性质. Time permitting; students will be introduced to 统计数据 and the normal distribution. The content of this course is important for students’ success on the SAT and ACT and also on college mathematics entrance exams. 本课程需要TI-84图形计算器. 先决条件: 几何及格分数.

This course is an intensive and accelerated paced course for those students who have achieved exemplary grades in both 代数 and 几何. 学生必须有良好的工作习惯; excellent insight into the higher level mathematics topics discussed in class, 并且必须有强烈的求知欲. This honors course covers all of the topics listed above in the 代数 II course description but in much greater depth and with a more demanding approach. 学生需要有一个TI-84图形计算器. 先决条件: 几何和部门审批成绩至少达到90分.

代数中选定主题的回顾, 几何, 和代数II将涵盖如三角, 解析几何, 不平等, 圆锥部分, 矩阵, 和限制. 除了, students study techniques of graphing 指数函数和对数函数 as well as a complete analysis of Function Theory. This course is intended to provide the student with a foundation for college programs that may require a further study of college mathematics. A departmental final exam is administered at the end of the semester. 学生需要有一个TI-84图形计算器. 先决条件: 代数II成绩不低于75%.

This is an intensive and accelerated course for those students who have achieved exemplary grades in the 代数 II course. 学生必须有良好的工作习惯, excellent insight into the higher level mathematics topics discussed in class, 并且必须有强烈的求知欲. 这门荣誉课程涵盖了高等代数的选定主题, 解析几何, 三角函数, 指数函数和对数函数, 矩阵, 极性功能, 还有多项式理论. 除了, this honors course covers the first three topics of Calculus: limit theory, 连续性, 和分化. A departmental final exam is administered at the end of the semester. 学生需要有一个TI-84图形计算器. 先决条件: 代数II成绩不低于90% 及部门审批.

微积分的目的是为学生准备AP微积分(AB或BC), and includes the study of a variety of functions and their graphs: linear functions, 绝对值, 根, 二次方程, 多项式, 理性的表达式, 和指数, 对数, 还有三角函数. 学生将开始学习导数和极限的概念. 先决条件: 微积分预科成绩不低于75%.

统计发展了对, 技巧, 在决策过程中应用统计技术. 主题包括:描述性统计, 概率, 推理, 数据收集方法, 数据组织, and graphical techniques for exhibiting data together with measures of central tendency and variation. 具体的主题包括二项分布和正态分布, 假设检验, 置信区间. Students will use multiple representations to present data including written descriptions, 统计数据, 公式, 和图表. 有信心地估计, 检验索赔, 比较两个总体参数, 回归推论, 卡方程序也包括在内. 先决条件: 代数II及格.

The purpose of this Advanced Placement course in 统计数据 is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, 从数据中分析并得出结论. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes such as exploring data, 抽样和实验, 预测模式, 统计推断. A written final exam may be replaced with a real life application of 假设检验 where students will work in small groups and apply knowledge learned throughout the year in order to test a hypothesis. 学生需要有一个TI-84 Plus图形计算器. A qualifying grade on the Advanced Placement Examination may earn college credit. An Advanced Placement course may require substantial summer reading and preparation work. 完成暑期作业是课堂成功的关键. Students are required to sit for the College Board AP Examination (fee required). 先决条件: 代数II成绩不低于90%, 在目前的英语课程中,成绩不低于85%, 及部门审批.

This course is an offering of the College Board’s Advanced Placement Calculus AB course, and is primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. 课程强调微积分的多表征方法, 与概念, 结果, 用图形表示问题, 数值, 分析, 和口头. 这些表示之间的联系也很重要. 学生需要有一个TI-84 Plus图形计算器. A qualifying grade on the Advanced Placement Examination may earn college credit. An Advanced Placement course may require substantial summer reading and preparation work. 完成暑期作业是课堂成功的关键. Students are required to sit for the College Board AP Examination (fee required). 先决条件: 微积分预科成绩至少达到90%,并获得院系认可.

This intensive course takes the students through the Advanced Placement Examination in Calculus BC and well beyond, 在某些情况下进入大学二年级的微积分. Calculus BC is an extension of Calculus AB rather than an enhancement; common topics require a similar depth of understanding. 这两门课程都具有挑战性和高要求. 学生只能通过邀请参加这门课程. 学生需要有一个TI-84 Plus图形计算器. 代替期末考试, students are required to research a further advanced selected topic and present their research to the class. A qualifying grade on the Advanced Placement Examination may earn college credit. An Advanced Placement course may require substantial summer reading and preparation work. 完成暑期作业是课堂成功的关键. Students are required to sit for the College Board AP Examination (fee required). 先决条件: 微积分预科荣誉课程至少90分, 微积分90分, AP微积分AB成绩不低于80分.











M.A.,数学教育-圣. 约瑟的大学
B.A.数学- SUNY Geneseo

